Why a Rainbow Lotus?

The Lotus flower draws nourishment from mud, brings this nourishment up through it’s long stem and rests above the water, blossoming and folding in on it’s own time.

The Rainbow is created when air is filled with enough moisture to refract all hues of the color spectrum, dazzling the viewer and the environment that surrounds it.

The Rainbow and Lotus can be symbols of nourishment, beauty, and collaboration with the natural world.

As humans, sometimes it’s easy to feel overwhelmed in the mud & muck of disappointment, pain, loss, and things we can’t control. We can gain nourishment through personal practices, connection to community, and practitioners that hold healing, gentle, and non-judgemental space for our unfolding.

As we learn to listen to our natural rhythms and honor our unique, healing journey, we discover that we are already whole, deepening and expanding to shimmer all of our colors just like the Rainbow Lotus does.