Psychotherapy Art Therapy

Welcome! You Belong.

Rainbow Lotus Therapy is a space to heal, grow, collaborate, create, and connect to who you truly are. This is a space to facilitate clarity about relationships, experiences, goals, and dreams that connect you to your own brilliance and the brilliance of others you share life with. This is a gentle, nonjudgemental, and healing space.

Art Therapy

I completed two graduate tracks at Adler Graduate School: Art Therapy, and Marriage, Couples, and Family Therapy. I weave into this curriculum the meta-verbal modalities of Nature Based Therapy, Movement and Somatic Experiencing, and Mindfulness. These additional trainings and institutions are reflected in my resume.

            I come to the field of psychotherapy with over 20 years experience in social work, special education, and therapeutic arts education.

            When creating Art Therapy experientials, I use the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) as a theoretical framework organize expressive media and its therapeutic functions into a developmental sequence based on information processing, brain function, and image formation. As an Art Therapist, I use this framework to help determine client therapy goals by selecting media and directive choices that build upon strengths and appropriately challenge underdeveloped areas of information processing.



I enjoy working with adults, adolescents, and children to explore and deepen connection to self and others. I am trained in individual, intergenerational, and community trauma, healing, and empowerment.  I use a Person-Centered, Intersectional Feminist approach to my work as a Psychotherapist. Areas of Specialty include:

  • Healing Centered Engagement

  • LGBTQIA+ Affirmative 

  • Art Therapy

  • Nature Based Therapy

  • Mindfulness and Somatic Awareness

  • Community Trauma 

  • Complext Trauma

  • Neuroscience Based Psychoeducation

  • Gender and Identity Growth 

  • Grief and Loss 

  • Anxiety 

  • Depression 

  • Family Conflict and Communication 

  • Intergenerational Engagement and Healing

Jamie Winter, MA, CYT

More About Me

Hi, I’m Jamie Winter, thank you for visiting this online space and being curious! Before becoming an Art Therapist and Psychotherapist, I worked as a social worker, educator, fine artist, farmer (yes! :) ) and yoga teacher. My job as a therapist allows me to combine my loves of neuroscience, psychology, art, nature, movement, and healing to facilitate growth, connection and empowerment for people and communities. 

I utilize the psychotherapeutic modalities of Art Therapy, Nature-Based Therapy, and traditional “talk” therapy to assist clients in exploring and processing barriers to what they’d like to do and how they’d like to be in the world.

A session with me might look like incorporating some grounding breath work, creating process-based art, supportive reflection and verbal/emotional processing, and learning more about how the brain, body, and nervous system work in tandem to support calm, healing, and relief.

I offer individual therapy sessions via telehealth and in person. My practice is located in St. Paul, Minnesota. 


Individual and Group Psychotherapy, Art Therapy, Nature Based Therapy grounded in Neuroscience and Somatic Awareness

“The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep.”
